sting dance crew

sting dance crew

sting dance academy

Sting dance crew (SDC) was established in2008 in BONGAIGAON Assam (India). SDC isone of the Lower assam largest danceinstitutes with a network of 4 dance classes inBongaigaon only & lots more are in theevolution in Bongaigaon & other parts of thestate and the Region. SDC is focused in holdingregular dance classes, short workshop as wellas all types of dance events like corporateshows, school annual fucnctions, private parties& wedding sangeet ceremonies, etc. We havethree distinct divions which are Western(specializing in Jazz, Salsa tutting b-boyingcrumping robotic locking poping lyrical hiphopand Hip-Hop), Fitness (Aerobics, Pilated &American yoga) & Bollywood – each of whichhas achieved excellence in their own respectiveareas. Our crew currently comprises of 10 full-time dancers who train over 1000 students andconduct over 10--12 events every year. Each ofthe divisions of our company has its owndedicated team of dancers, recruited throughauditions held across India, who undergoestraining program before they are allowed toteach or perform in shows. We have around100-150 students in all the centers currecntlyworking in BONGAIGAON. Our Head Officesupports around 200-250 students through outthe year. Apart of this we had conduct danceworkshops in GUWAHATI (BOC Gate), BasugaonBilasipara kokrajhar Mayapuri & lot manyplaces…..where we trained more than 150students in each places.

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